Are you a member of any online communities?
I was not a member, but joined Gather, Ning and WebJunction. There I found a post that the Illinois State Police issued an Amber Alert for two brothers from the central Illinois city of LeRoy in McLean County, but there were no pictures posted of them so I don't know what good it's going to do.
Nothing posted on Gather - Recent Posts, Highest Read, Most Discussed or Highest Rated had anything to do with me. I looked at a few of them (a boat ride at the Columbus Zoo, a discussion of a woman getting her husband a birthday present) and was sorry I wasted that time.
I created a Ning page. It is UGLY! But I decided to keep going because I was spending too much time on it and wasn't sure I'd ever use it. I've got to keep my eye on the clock with these tings I've realized.
I joined WebJunction (at this point why not, right?) and was disappointed to find that Web Based Tools only had 5 discussions. Hopefully this group will add to it.
Are any of these social networks appealing to you?
Not really. I will play around with WebJunction some more because I hear people talk about it (mostly Patty) and it sounds like something I should know more about.
What did you find that was interesting and that you might use later?
Brad and I watched the 23 Things Summit they had on March 3rd and that was interesting. I would really suggest checking out the Archive and related resources for the 23 Things Summit, presented on March 3, 2009 that is posted on WebJunction. It was worthwhile and over 300 people tuned in to check it out. The vast majority of them were thinking about starting a 23 Things program!
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5 years ago
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