1. Which podcast(s) did you listen to?
I had trouble thinking of a subject I would want to listen to, so I looked for "most popular" podcasts to see what others thought was worth their time. I guess I have different taste than the majority of people.
So, I listened to one on laughing yoga, but it got annoying after a while. It was too long (1 hour) and I think there are some topics where video is important and I think that is one of them. Although some blind people in a video I watched said hearing laughter was great for them and they enjoyed going to the movies to hear a comedy, for me it just wasn't the same. Maybe I am a more visual person than I realized.
I listened to one from the local newspaper and it was short and to the point, a roundup of events going on for the weekend. It was great until I realized they were talking about last weekend and I missed all the events. I guess they haven't posted this week's yet.
I listened to "Coffee Break Spanish," but it was being broadcast from Scotland and the people speaking had beautiful Scottish accents. It was also basic, but I was listening to lesson #9 and growing up in NY you learn that much Spanish before kindergarten.
I'm trying to read the Bible again this year (although I've fallen behind in my readings). I thought I might listen to some reflections on the Psalms. I searched Psalms at http://www.odeo.com/ (which was listed as a podcast directory on gcast.com) and I ended up with Jerry Goebel's Psalms Reflections. I listened to a reflection of Psalm 1:3 which was very good. The player didn't show how long the podcast was though. I like to know up front what I'm getting into. It turns out it was only 5 minutes. It was about slowing down and enjoying life. Here it is
2. Which of the directories did you find easiest to use?
Podcast.com I liked that it had a most popular section and a recommended section. I listened to the WSJ podcast. It had jazzy music and today's headlines and top stories. Bad economic news, more bad economic news...It was 35 minutes long. I think they could post the same podcast tomorrow and no one would notice. I don't think I would listen to news podcasts too much because I would fear missing breaking news.
I also thought it was interesting that one of the most popular podcasts on Podcast.com is lessons in Latin language. I'm not sure how that could be true having taken Latin for 3 years. Agricolae, agricolarum...
Podcastalley.com had a lot of adult content on it's home page. I wasn't thrilled. I kept getting nervous when my kids came in the room.
Yahoo Podcasts the podcasts that were listed as popular were all music and not my cup of tea.
Educational Podcast Directory I liked that they had a list of classes from different schools that were doing podcasts. The kids must get a charge out of that. I couldn't think of any podcasts that I would want to listen to. I think dancing and math especially require video.
iTunes U. I have this on my computer already. I checked out some free podcasts. Most seemed to be from NPR. I'll go back and listen to a couple of Prairie Home Companions if they are there.
3. Has this Thing inspired you to do any podcasting yourself or to subscribe to a podcast to listen to it regularly?
For me the best podcasts would compliment something I was familiar with. If I enjoyed a show and it said, "For more information on this topic listen to the podcast at..." that would be valuable. Or if I were taking a class and the professor pointed us in the direction of a podcast, that would be helpful.
I guess my main problem with listening to random podcasts is the age old question of authority. Who created the podcast? What gives them the authority to speak on the topic? What credentials does this person have? Is this going to be a waste of time?
I think many podcasts spend too much time setting the stage and should just jump right in. The quality of podcasts vary. The WSJ for instance was very polished and professional. There wasn't any self conscious giggling or inane banter. The broadcasters understood their medium.
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5 years ago
You might want to check out the Audio Bible Podcast at