Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thing #4

What do you like about RSS and newsreaders?
I like getting competing new sources and seeing how each source slants the news. Also who gets it first.
My father is retired and this is one of his hobbies.

How do you think you might be able to use this technology in your library or personal life?
I think it is more convenient to have the headlines come to me and I know media outlets are starting to think that way so I might as well climb on board.

How can librarian staff or media specialists use RSS or take advantage of this technology?
Not sure. I guess as usual someone will get a great idea and we will all apply it to our venues.

Which tool for finding feeds was easiest to use?
I am using both Blogger and Google Reader. I haven't noticed one is harder than the other. At some point I will try to get them to compliment each other or drop one.

What other tools or ways did you find to locate newsfeeds?
I have most of this stuff coming to my iGoogle page. I'm not quite sure what the difference is. I now feel bombarded!

Find any great sources we should all add to our feed reader?
No, but I may down the road. I'm interested in seeing what the rest of the group came up with.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Thing #3

Create a blog post about your discoveries.
How do the features such as results relevance, search options, other features compare?

I did a search of "my hometown, home state" on The Google Blog Search, Technorati and

I got 4,857 hits on Google, including a photo of the day site, which is nice. The most recent post was 1 hour ago.

I got 95 hits on Technorati, however the most recent post was 8 days ago.

No hits on

I think I'll stick with Google Blog Search. I got the most hits and Google is most convenient since it in front of me all day anyway.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thing #2 - Alice's Restaurant

We know time is always an issue--Stephen Abram shares some ideas on where to find the time for 23 Things. Where will you find the time?

I am finding that I am going to bed later at night:) Instead of watching tv I am now in front of the computer. Instead of talking to friends and family on the phone they are emailing me more and we are also keeping in touch via Facebook. I can tell by the number of people befriending me on Facebook I am not alone in this technological shift.

Why are you participating in 23 Things @ NEFLIN?

I had heard about the project through SLA but did not have the time to follow through with it. Afterwards I had the opportunity to meet a group of people who told me that they had all chosen to retire rather that learn computers and that worried me. I saw how if you weren't willing to risk looking foolish while learning new things you were putting yourself out to pasture.

NEFLIN's pitch at the annual meeting was great! I saw the environment that they were trying to create - a playful, safe place where there would be something for everyone. A place where beginners would feel free to ask questions and a forum where the more advanced could display their skills and become beacons of light. A lab where we could test things and figure out if/how these tools fit into our lives. It reminded me of the Sunshine State Library Leadership Institute I had participated in where we all felt comfortable enough to be open and try new things.

This time I decided my development was worth it and I was going to find the time.

What do you hope to learn?How has the Internet and the vast resource it can be affected your use of time at work and/or at home?

I can't imagine going back to life without the Internet. It has saved me incalculable amounts of time. However it has also made me more impatient if I have to wait for information - I'm not sure if that's a good thing.

Where are you in your knowledge and use of Web 2.0 tools? How about your library?

As I said I know about most of these tools. I have used them once or twice, but this is offering me a chance to become more familiar with them. NEFLIN is giving us permission to learn in a non linear way and still call it work.

What are you looking forward to in 23 Things @ NEFLIN?
I didn't have any grand expectations when I decided to do this. However reading the participants' blogs I am realizing that we are having a ripple effect across our 20 county area and then some. There are close to 300 people registered for this project and many more who aren't registered. Most people are having discussions about it with others. Add up all of those people and I believe Arlo Guthrie would declare it a movement. It's the NEFLIN 23 Things Movement. Blog. With Feeling!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Thing 1

This thing seemed very simple. The directions were clear cut and easy to follow. SO far so good. It's satisfying to know that I completed the first thing with no trouble. I even added a picture!I'm being lulled toward thing 2.